Notes For Jataka Tales Part B
The King's White Elephant
carpenters live on river bank near forest. they go into the forest to cut trees and make lumber. One day, an elephant limps to them on 3 feet. He had a large splinter in his foot. They pulled it out and washed the wound. To repay the carpenters, the elephant helps them in any way he can. They, in return, feed him. The elephant then had a son, whom he took to the carpenters in place of himself because he was getting old. At night the elephant would play with the children of the carpenters in the river. One day, the king came down the river, saw the elephant, and immediately wanted him. The carpenters sold him to the king who took good care of him.
Why the Owl is Not King of the Birds
A long time ago the people had a king. The four footed animals also had a king. The fish also had a king. Then the birds started talking and decided that they needed a king. They then decided that the owl should be king. Then an old crow spoke up. He said that he did not want the owl to be king because the owl had a sour look on his face. The crow flew into the air and the owl followed him. They continue to be enemies. The birds chose a Turtle dove to be king.
Elephant in Kruger National Park Wikipedia Commons |
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